The Warming Center needs your help!
The Warming Center is a safe night time space for people who are experiencing homelessness or stranded during Duluth’s cold winter months. As many as 100 people will check in to the Warming Center every night, some just to warm up and some to spend the entire night.

The Warming Center is a collaboration between CHUM, Loaves & Fishes, the City of Duluth, St Louis County and the Duluth HRA. We rely on a generous community of volunteers and donors to stay open to those in need.
At least two volunteers are needed every evening and every morning for a variety of duties including clean up, set up, serving coffee and distributing clothing and hygiene supplies. Volunteer shifts are generally 2 - 2.5 hours.
Many of our guests live with high barriers to housing and shelter, including untreated mental illness and substance use disorder. Volunteers should come to the Warming Center with compassion, healthy boundaries, and an ability to adapt to changing needs. CHUM staff will always be present when volunteers are on site.
Volunteer requirements
Must be over 18
Must be vaccinated against Covid-19 and wear a mask when at the Warming Center
Must take part in a volunteer orientation
Weekly commitment preferred
Volunteer duties
In the evening (7:30pm-10:00pm)
Assist staff with setting up tables, chairs, sleeping mats, and coffee station.
When the Warming Center opens, serve coffee and pass out hygiene supplies as needed.
Sanitize surfaces as needed and encourage Covid-19 safety.
Be a welcoming and friendly presence for guests.
In the morning (7am-9am)
Serve coffee and pass out hygiene supplies and winter clothing as needed.
Assist staff with collecting and sanitizing sleeping mats.
Assist staff with cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, taking down tables and chairs.
Be a welcoming and friendly presence for guests, encourage and support them getting packed and moved out by our 8am opening time.
Lower contact volunteer opportunities are also available and include sorting donations and cleaning when the building is not open to guests.

Donate supplies
Donations can be brought to Dorothy Day House (1712 Jefferson, Duluth) between noon and 7pm Monday-Saturday, or to CHUM (102 W 2nd St, Duluth) 9am-4pm Monday-Friday.
The following supplies are regularly needed at the Warming Center.
Socks (cotton and thermal, adult sizes)
Men’s and women’s underwear (new)
Winter coats (adult)
Winter hats (adult)
Gloves and mittens (adult)
Hand warmers
Backpacks and reusable bags
Granola bars