St Patrick's Day Ceili March 17th
Ceili is a Gaelic word that means "party." It's a popular form of community folk dancing in Ireland, with live music and fun for people of all ages and abilities. Join us to celebrate all things Irish on the Feast of St Patrick with a heel-kicking Ceili of our own! Kids are welcome and no partner is necessary. Dances are taught and called. All proceeds benefit Loaves and Fishes Community.
St Patrick's Day Ceili
With the Zenith City Ceili Band, featuring Tim Jenkins
Tuesday, March 17th
St Paul's Episcopal Church
(1710 E Superior St, Duluth - use lower entrance on Greysolon Rd)
7:00 pm dance instruction; 7:30 pm dance
Suggested donation: $10 ($5 low-income); or $25 for the whole family